Permanent Collection of the National Gallery of China

Two of Uncle Zeng's paintings, Duck Farm and Silk Cocoon Harvest, are in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of China.

Happy Ducks

Duck Farm, by Uncle Zeng          Watercolour with gouache          77 cm × 49 cm

Became part of the permanent collection of the National Gallery of China in 1984

水彩水粉画《放》       曾向明画

全国青年美展优秀作品,1984 年由中国美术馆收藏

In 2019, the National Gallery of China hosted an exhibition, The Beauty of China, featuring select masterpieces from its permanent collection, including Duck Farm. The collection includes works by more than thirty well-known contemporary Chinese artists.


Outside of the National Gallery of China     中国美术馆大楼


Inside the exhibition     展览现场

Silk Cocoon

Silk Cocoon Harvest, by Uncle Zeng          Watercolour with gouache          100 cm × 70 cm

Became part of the permanent collection of the National Gallery of China in 1985

水彩水粉画《蚕茧丰收》       曾向明画

入选第六届中国全国美展,1985 年由中国美术馆收藏,刊登于 1985 年 3 月 5 日的《人民日报》,曾获 1983 年广东省美展一等奖

About the National Gallery of China

The National Gallery of China, located in Beijing, is the largest national-level art museum in China. It contains over 100,000 works of ancient and contemporary Chinese art, including traditional Chinese paintings, oil paintings, watercolor paintings, sculptures, Chinese prints, and much more.