Uncle Zeng 画家曾向明
Uncle Zeng's Oil Paintings
Lavender Farm 薰衣草 18" × 14"
Golden Palace 金顶文昌阁 24" × 18"
Intelligent Palace 帆帆风顺文昌阁 36" × 24"
Peach Blossom Village 桃花村 20" × 16"
Old Village in the Autumn 山村金秋 40" × 30"
Summer Garden in Toronto 夏日的阳光 36" × 24"

Wind and Rain Bridge 风雨桥 36" × 24"
Water Village 乡情 36" × 24"
Early Departure 早发 36" × 24"
Water Wheel with Bamboo 水车屋 36" × 24"
Autumn Haze 秋收后的田野 24" × 18"
Purple Ferry 热带小渔港 24" × 18"
Fishing at Dawn 渔家的早晨 24" × 18"

Golden Autumn 金色的秋天 10" × 8"
Washing Clothes 洗衣歌 24" × 18"
Milk and Fruits 农场的午餐 20" × 16"